Health Visiting: 0-19 Service

Health Visitors in Northamptonshire

We provide the Healthy Child Programme, a planned series of contacts (face to face or virtual via video call)  with children and young people up to 19 years old and their families. These contacts are provided by a healthy visitor for children who are pre-school age, and school nurses who help to look after children who are school age.

Our team also has an infant feeding support team, family nurses (if you are under 18 and pregnant), and children's weight managment and continence services.

We aim to support families across Northamptonshire providing a universal service for all, whilst also identifying those who might need specific help. 

Please see the Northants Healh Visitors Facebook page for more updates and activities! Northants Health Visitors | Facebook

What does a Health Visitor do?


Every family with a baby or a child aged 0-5 will be offered the universal element of the Healthy Child Programme, which consists of 5 required universal contacts. The five universal contacts offered to all families with young children are:

  • New birth visit at home between 11-14 days after your baby is born. This will include a hearing check for your baby depending on where you live. N.B babies born outside Northamptonshire may have the hearing test done whilst they are in hospital.
  • 6-8 week assessment of growth and development – this will include a discussion about parent’s mental health and any concerns.
  • 10-12 months review of your child’s development using an Ages and Stages Questionnaire.
  • 2-2 1/2 year review of your child’s development using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire.

Infant Feeding Team

Breastfeeding is natural and helps to give your baby the best start. Human milk is tailor-made for your baby. However, you may find you need extra support during you and your baby’s feeding journey.

Our team includes:

  • Two Infant Feeding Leads (both Lactation Consultants IBCLCs)
  • One Infant Feeding Health Visitor
  • Four Infant Feeding Advisors

We operate a countywide service, offering face to face appointments.

You can contact us via:

  • Phone (please do not text us): 07795 110109 on Monday to Friday, between 9am to 3pm
  • Email: [email protected]
  • You can also ring our 0-19 administration hub: 0800 170 7055 (Mon-Fri 8:30am - 4:30pm)
  • Email: [email protected]



Over the course of your child's young life, they will receive a few immunisations which will help to protect them from dangerous childhood diseases. 

You can find out more about vaccinations and how old your child will be for each one by visiting the NHS website. 

teamNHFT helps to run the flu vaccination programme in schools each year, and we are on hand to offer advice and reassurance if you are concerned or worried about vaccinations.

Click here to view the Children's Flu Vaccine Information Leaflet [pdf]

Breastfeeding helpline

077951 10109

for breastfeeding advice and support

(Mon - Fri 9am - 3pm)

Learn more about the 0-19 service

Health Visitors Facebook

Run by local health visitors to bring you the very latest advice and information.

Facebook Link

Contact Information

[email protected]
Live Chat (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
Phone (Monday to Friday, 8am – 5pm) 08001707055 Option 4

Learn more about the 0-19 service
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