Each woman deals with labour in different ways, so try not to get too anxious about how your labour will be and how you will feel. Whatever feels right for you is the best way.
There are different pain relief options during the stages of labour. Pain relief can be in the form of non-pharmaceutical methods such as:
Pain relief may also include pharmaceutical methods for your labour, such as Entonox (gas and air labour pain relief) or an epidural.
The Labour Ward is open 24 hours a day; they can give advice on coping with the pain of early labour. Taking paracetamol, if you are able, can be helpful in the early stages (ensure you read the packaging instructions).
Remaining at home as long as possible helps you relax, as you are in a familiar and more comfortable environment. Some women find listening to their favourite music and being with those they love can calm them.
Pain relief options include:
• Gas and air for labour
• Pethidine injections
• An epidural
• TENS machines.
Remember, most women choose to use several forms of pain relief in labour, so don’t worry if you change your mind from your original birth plan.
Discuss the plan with your birth partner antenatally. They can be your advocate and voice when in labour if you find it difficult to explain things.
Preparation for labour starts antenatally when you receive information about your options for coping with contractions. Being fully informed of all options will help you to decide what to try.
Your midwife can support and guide you in making your personal labour plan. Making your own decisions can help you feel good about your labour and birth.
Some women have clear plans of what they want in labour; these can change as labour progresses.
The midwife will support you and explain changes you may want to consider making to your birth plan (try to remain open during this). Talk things through with the midwife or obstetrician caring for you so that you understand why the changes are advised.