Labour & Birth

If you need to speak to a midwife urgently, or if you experience any of the following:

  • Your waters break
  • You have bleeding from your vagina
  • You have unexplained abdominal pain
  • Your baby is moving less than usual, or the pattern of movements has changed
  • You’re less than 37 weeks pregnant and think you might be in labour
  • You feel unwell or feverish
  • You are unsure or worried about your labour, yourself or your baby

These may be early signs of labour or that something is not right. In any of the above situations, please call: 

Northampton General Hospital maternity helpline on 01604 523529

or Delivery Suite at Kettering General Hospital: 01536 492878 or 01536 492879, you can also call the helpline number 01536 492848.

Call 999 immediately if:

  • You can feel the umbilical cord inside your vagina, or you can see it hanging out of your vagina
  • You are bleeding very heavily from your vagina
  • You are pushing or your partner can see your baby’s head
  • You have a seizure or fit

Preparing For Birth

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