First Days Together After Birth

Normal reactions on the first days after birth

The first few days after birth can be a happy and exciting time for some parents, but others experience fear and anxiety about how they will cope with a newborn baby. You may feel:

  • Exhilarated
  • Relieved
  • Joyful
  • Exhausted
  • Disappointed
  • Relaxed
  • Weary
  • Teary.

Everyone is different. These feelings can be heightened by a difficult labour or birth, or if you or your baby suffer with health issues.

Most women and some partners have the “baby blues” at some point for a day or two, often starting on the third day or so after birth. You might feel like you suddenly can’t cope - sometimes, little things can make you upset.

Babies requiring observations

In order to quickly identify those babies at risk of clinical deterioration following birth, we might observe your baby in the first 12-36 hours after birth. This may include observing your baby’s breathing rate, temperature, oxygen levels, colour, blood glucose levels and how your baby responds. Some examples of why these observations may be performed include:

  • We may be trying to idenitfy early signs of infection cause from factors before birth such as mecoium in the amniotic fluid, or your membranes had broken for a longer then expected period of time before the baby was born
  •  If you had any form or diabetes in pregnancy, we wil want to ensure your baby can maintain normal blood sugar levels
  • Some medication taken during pregnancy may mean baby required further observation, for example some mental health medication
  • Premature birth may mean baby's are less able to maintain their temperatue or blood sugar levels

The staff caring for you will explain why the observations are being completed. 

Going home after birth

When you are ready to be discharged from the maternity unit, the midwife will provide you with the relevant information and paperwork. They will complete a personalised care plan with you according to your needs. Ensure you tell them if your address and contact numbers have changed.

Your baby needs to leave hospital in a car seat so bring it to the hospital when you’re ready to be discharged.

Any follow-up appointments for you or your baby will be discussed with you and sent to you by post if not already arranged.

Once discharged from the Maternity Unit, the team midwives in the community will oversee the remainder of your postnatal care and update your plan as necessary.

Support after birth

Self-care is so important for new mothers. Try the following methods:

  • Talk it through with your midwifery team; they will listen with a sympathetic ear
  • Share how you’re feeling with your partner, family, or friends.

These feelings usually pass, but if they persist, speak to your midwife to arrange some extra support.

Asking your loved ones for help with practical things, like walking the dog or doing some washing up, will help you to enjoy time with your baby.

If someone offers help, take it! Consider what you need help with so that when someone offers, you can ask for something specific. For example, having someone stock your freezer with a few home-cooked meals can really help in these early weeks.

Establishing a support network after birth

Some mothers may not have a strong support network of family or friends, and this can be really challenging.

Bringing your baby home can be particularly emotional if you’ve lost a parent or someone you expected to be a part of your baby’s life.

If you’re struggling with a lack of support system, you should talk to your midwife about it; they can refer you for some support if you need it.

Getting to know other new parents

Meeting other new parents and sharing experiences is so important, as you’ll be facing many of the same hardships and joys! Here are some options for meeting other new parents:

  • Your midwifery and health visitor team can provide contact details for parent and baby groups
  • Reunions with your antenatal group
  • General parent and baby meet ups
  • Baby massage groups
  • Baby weaning groups
  • Baby yoga
  • Buggy exercise groups
  • Twin groups
  • Local library groups
  • Strong start groups
  • Milk&You Groups.

Meeting other mums will help you make new friends and increase awareness that you are not alone


Taking time for you and your baby

After birth, it’s really important that you look after your baby and yourself. Eat regularly and drink lots of water – this is even more vital if you are breastfeeding.

Take things slowly and don’t worry about anything other than you and your baby. This will give you time for lots of cuddles and skin-to-skin contact.

Babies have a powerful sense of smell and touch, and they love being close to you. Your baby will recognise your voice, so talking or singing to them can calm them down. They also love movement, so rocking and cuddles are very soothing for them.

Relax and sleep where possible

Your baby doesn’t know the difference between day and night, so try to sleep when they are asleep if you can.

If you find your mind is too active to sleep, try the following:

  • Have a shower
  • Read a magazine
  • Have a rest.

Remember that it won’t be so intense forever. In a few months, parenting will be a very different experience, and having a few minutes to yourself each day will help you to relax and enjoy being a parent.

Focus on comfort

Keeping yourself comfortable will help you to enjoy your baby more.

  • If you are in hospital and are in pain or discomfort, talk to the midwives, and they can give you medication to help.
  • If you are at home, follow the advice you were given on discharge.
  • If the pain is unmanageable, please seek GP advice. Don’t forget you can contact your midwifery team for further help and advice.

After birth, the uterus returning to its original size can cause pains – this can feel like mild contractions for the first few days, especially when breastfeeding. This is a normal hormonal response and will get better in a few days. If you’re concerned about the pain, talk to your midwife.